
Meet The Team

Steve Vogel

Sports Massage Therapist

Steve has a passion for helping others, whether it’s releasing tension from desk working, pre and post surgery treatments, enabling weekend warriors / athletes maintain peak performance, recover from injury, or achieve fitness goals. He uses a personal approach, appreciating that everyone is unique and it is essential to adapt every treatment to the needs of the individual.

As well as being part of the team at Inspire Physiotherapy, Steve volunteers as a Massage Therapist at St Oswald’s Hospice, particularly with Clients affected by Motor Neurone Disease and other conditions as well as their carers.

Steve has had the privilege of providing treatments to a full range of Clients from those who are not active, fitness enthusiasts, elite athletes and a former international rugby player – all can benefit and are welcome!

Kate Young

Kate Young

Director, Senior Specialist Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapist, Pilates Teacher, Holistic Therapist

Kate Young is the Owner of Inspire Physiotherapy Ltd and the clinic’s Diagnostic Practitioner. She holistically assesses all of our new patients to ensure they receive treatment from the most appropriate member of the team.

Kate specialises in helping people with symptoms that have not resolved with treatment elsewhere.  She is passionate about helping everyone she meets to move better, feel better and live better.

Kate is also our Pilates teacher and enjoys teaching classes and delivering 1-1 Pilates sessions within our on-site fitness studio.

Watch Kate’s ‘About Me‘ video on our home page to learn more.

Julia Gledson - Sports Massage Therapist & Receptionist

Frazer Boz

Apprentice Business Administrator & Receptionist

Frazer was born and raised locally.  He is the newest member of our team and is currently studying towards a Business Administration Apprenticeship.

Frazer has enjoyed sport from a young age-especially football. During his final school years he wanted to play professionally.  Throughout this time he also found he was skilled in Computer Programming and before he graduated, Frazer had designed and launched his own game!

In his free time Frazer continues to play football regularly.  He also enjoys travelling and exploring new places.


Ready to start getting better?

Book your initial assessment with one of our qualified clinicians today and start your journey towards living pain-free.


Get out of Pain and Start Moving Better Assessment

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